Ether Frolics Shortlisted for the Danuta Gleed Literary Award

etherfrolicscoverPaul Marlowe’s latest news (aside from joining SF Canada) is that his short story collection Ether Frolics was shortlisted last month for the 16th annual Danuta Gleed Literary Award, which recognizes the best debut English-language collection of short fiction by a Canadian author.

“Marlowe offers a neatly controlled yet artfully wild and original sense of the bizarre and otherworldly. A unique collection that deserves readers.” – Danuta Gleed Literary Award Jury

The collection was also reviewed recently:

“Marlowe’s stories are detailed, quirky, with a good sense of humour, but not without some dark, deft touches of horror…” – Craig Pinhey, Telegraph-Journal

Arts East has an interview regarding Ether Frolics, the Danuta Gleed Literary Award, and writing, at:

There’s more on the book & author at:

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