- “Flying Kite, Crashing Ship“, a “short time travel comedy” by Krista Ball, was released by MuseitUp Publishing.
- Edward Willett released Andy Nebula: Interstellar Rock Star, and its sequel, Andy Nebula: Double Trouble, through the Amazon Kindle store.
- Burning Days, a collection of short stories by Glenn Grant, has just been published by Nanopress.
- “Lover’s Triangle” by Colleen Anderson will be appearing in the reprint anthology New Vampire Tales edited by James Roy Daley, from Books of the Dead Press.
- Silvia Moreno-Garcia has short stories “Bloodlines” appearing in Fantasy Magazine and “Flash Frame” appearing in Cthulhurotica from Dagan Press.
- Sylvia Moreno-Garcia’s micro-press, Innsmouth Free Press, released its first book: Fraterfamilias, in December.
- Steve Stanton‘s short story “Perfect Match” was just published at Kasma Science Fiction and is upcoming in translation in Spin (Finland).
- Sandra Kasturi has a story, “The Coming of Ghosts” in Mike Kelly’s anthology/journal, Shadows & Tall Trees, and her short story, “Foxford,” is in the anthology Chilling Tales, which is now available for pre-order from Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Press.
- Jennifer Rahn’s novel Wicked Initiations is forthcoming from Dragon Moon Publishing.
Current and forthcoming works: December 2010 and January 2011
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