About SF Canada

SF Canada was founded in 1989 as Canada’s National Association for Speculative Fiction Professionals, and was Incorporated as SF Canada in 1992.

SF Canada exists to foster a sense of community among Canadian writers of speculative fiction, to improve communication, to foster the growth of quality writing, to lobby on behalf of Canadian writers, and to encourage the translation of Canadian speculative fiction. SF Canada supports positive social action.

“Speculative fiction” is understood by members to include science fiction, fantasy, horror and any other other weird fiction that invokes a sense of wonder.

SF Canada aims to provide a structure for socializing and maintaining links among members throughout Canada, from coast to coast to coast, in both official languages, and to promote the publishing and sale of works created, edited, and published by its members.

SF Canada maintains a private internet listserver — an online discussion group — as well as organizes critique groups and meetings, and operates an online bookstore to publicize and promote its members and their books. SF Canada members are eligible for non-profit health and dental insurance through the Writers’ Coalition Program in cooperation with the Writers’ Union of Canada, and have access to home and auto insurance at lower than market rates.

If you would like to inquire about membership, please see our How to Join page. A one-year membership is worth $35; the fixed renewal date is on Canada Day, but members who join after January 1 are credited with the July 1 renewal. Two members living at the same postal address qualify for a common $35 rate.

For more information, or if you wish to apply to become a member, please read on abouthow to join.


  1. Hello! My name is Dylan. I am a 28 year old from Wellington, New Zealand and live in Toronto with Permanent Residency status. I am a writer of screenplays, science fiction and fantasy stories. I am looking for a community of likeminded people with similar passions and interests as it has been hard to make friends since my partner and I landed in Toronto.
    I was hoping to speak to someone about the organisation and the way it works. Is their networking or mentoring opportunities, is it ok to come visit for a sit down etc, etc. anything at all would be much appreciated.

    • Hi Dylan, SFC is a group of SFF writers across Canada. So we don’t have local chapters, but we keep in touch through our list serv and discord. We talk about both business items (from AI to how to find a cover artist, to open submission calls to publishers to avoid), and we talk about general interest to writers.

      You’re welcome to drop an email to the membership committee or to even apply! Details here: https://www.sfcanada.org/how-to-join/

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