New works from Miriam H. Harrison!

SF Canada member Miriam H. Harrison is delighted to share several of her current publications. In the world of fiction, her darkly speculative microfiction “The Stones” is free to read at Pen of the Damned (, and her speculative flash fiction “She Drips” appears in A Quaint and Curious Volume of Gothic Tales from Brigid’s Gate Press ( In the world of poetry, five of her speculative poems can be found in the current issues of Scifaikuest: two poems appear in the print issue ( while three appear in the free-to-read digital issue ( including “Through the reset portal”, which was selected as the editor’s favourite. Later this month, her speculative poem “Think Me Helpless” will appear in a special Women in Horror issue of Frost Zone Zine and will be free to read on the Frost Zone Zine site ( More about Miriam’s work can be found on Facebooke(@miriam.h.harrison), Twitter (@MiriamHHarrison), or her website (

Nina Munteanu’s Splintered Universe Trilogy now out on Audible!

The new remastered audiobooks of Nina Munteanu’s popular Splintered Universe Trilogy featuring Galactic Guardian Detective Rhea Hawke is now out on Audible. Narrated by Dawn Harvey, the trilogy follows the intrepid, though often misguided, detective as she tries to solve the mysterious genocide of a spiritual sect on some backwater planet. She bungles her mission by killing her only lead and instead discovers a conspiracy to exterminate humanity by an alien race only she thinks exists. It goes downhill for her from there. She gets fired and her sentient ship–her only friend–is impounded. Her whole life comes apart. Her only chance to rebuild it is to prove that her discovery is true. That leads her down a rabbit hole into a dangerous world of intrigue, full of unsavory shape-shifting characters, dust smuggling, giant flying crustaceans, amorous toxic plants. and portals into mirror universes.
Ms. Harvey’s voice of Rhea Hawke is rich like coffee, sexy yet vulnerable. Says one Goodreads review: “Dawn Harvey breathed incredible life into the lead character, Rhea Hawke–boh sarcastic and vulnerable…a detective with a cynical edge, and sultry voice tinged with wry sarcasm. The story unfolded through Rhea’s narrative like an old film noir as she unraveled mysteries that led to the greatest one: her own.”

Su J Sokol’s Cycling to Asylum to be published in French!

The French-language rights to Su J Sokol’s Sunburst-nominated first novel, Cycling to Asylum were purchased by VLB Imaginaire, a new imprint of VLB Éditeur of Groupe VIlle-Marie Literature. The  French version will be titled Les Lignes Invisibles and will be translated by Émilie Laramée, who most recently translated Rich Larson’s Rêves de drones et autres entropies. The anticipated launch date is June 2022. Keep your eyes open for the cover reveal and other related events!

Krista D. Ball wins 2 Stabby Awards!

One of the largest SFF online forums, with over one and a half million subscribers, r/Fantasy just held their annual Stabby Awards. SF Canada member Krista D. Ball won two this year:

Congratulations, Krista!

Nina Munteanu and Solarpunk!

SF Canada member Nina Munteanu’s article “Why Eco-Fiction Will Save the World–from Cli-Fi to Solarpunk” appeared this month in the inaugural issue of Solarpunk Magazine.
Solarpunk’s podcast “Solarpunk Futures” recently did an interview with Nina entitled “Imagining A New World” in which they talked about water, blurring the lines between fiction and nonfiction and the idea of an author’s responsibility to their community of readers.
Congratulations, Nina!