Brenda is published in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Fiction River Anthologies, and Pulp Literature Magazine to name a few.
In her upcoming series, a volatile young witch agrees to apprentice with a revenant to fight a cosmic war against demons of anti-matter. Her debut novel Gret-of-Roon will be released this fall from Pulp Literature Press. Find Brenda at https://www.facebook.com/ carrtell/ or on Twitter at https://twitter.com/brenda_ carre or at her website, https://brendacarre.com/ to read a free story and find the link to her newsletter.
In her upcoming series, a volatile young witch agrees to apprentice with a revenant to fight a cosmic war against demons of anti-matter. Her debut novel Gret-of-Roon will be released this fall from Pulp Literature Press. Find Brenda at https://www.facebook.com/