The Prevaricator out now in F&SF

SF Canada member Matthew Hughes has a new fantasy story in the July/August issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction magazine. Set in Matthew’s continuation of Jack Vance’s Dying Earth setting, it involves a psychopathic conman.

Read an interview with Matthew about the story’s unusual genesis here: and consider supporting Matthew via his Patreon page:

2018 Aurora Awards Ballot Announced

The Canadian Science Fiction & Fantasy Association has announced this year’s Aurora Award ballot for works done in 2017 by Canadians. We are very pleased to note that numerous SF Canada members are included in the ballot in various categories:

In Best Young Adult Novel, S.M. Beiko (Scion of the Fox)

In Best Poem/Song, Rhea Rose (Cruising Glaciers)

In Best Related Work, Spider Robinson(Compostela (Tesseracts 20)), Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law (The Sum of Us: Tales of the Bonded and Bound), and  Lucas K. Law (Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy)

In Best Artist, Samantha M. Beiko (cover for Laksa Media)

In Best Fan Writing and Publications, Krista D. Ball (Reflections on Community and Gender in Canadian SFF), and Ron S. Friedman (Science literacy for Science Fiction Readers and Writers)

In Best Fan Organizational, Marie Bilodeau (executive, Can*Con), and Marie Bilodeau (co-chair, Chiaroscuro Reading Series)

In Best Fan Related Work, S.M. Beiko (Business BFFs podcast)

As well, various members are associated with other nominated projects and anthologies.

Voting has begun and will end on September 8, 2018. The awards ceremony will be held at VCON 42, October 5-7, 2018, in Richmond, BC ( If you would like to join CFFSA to be eligible to vote on the shortlisted nominees, you can do so at their website:

Congratulations to all the finalists!

Short Fiction from Sally McBride

SF Canada member Sally McBride is pleased to announce she has just signed a contract for a short story “The Paisley Snow” to appear soon in The Cockroach Conservatory, Vol. 1: Working Zealot’s Guide to Gaining Capital in Pre-Apocalyptic America.

As well, her short story, “My Mother’s Garden”, will appear in Exile Editions’ upcoming Food of My People anthology edited by Ursula Pflug and Candas Jane Dorsey.

And her short story, “Thank Yew Very Much”, is currently out in On Spec magazine (Vol. 28 #4).

Five Rivers Publishing round-up

SF Canada member Lorina Stephens, publisher and senior editor of Five Rivers Publishing, shares some news:

Five Rivers’ cover artist, Ann Crowe, has been shortlisted for a Prix Aurora Award for Best Artist, for her cover for Timothy Gwyn’s fascinating young adult SF novel, Avians.

D.G. Valdron’s grim-dark fantasy novel, The Mermaid’s Tale, was shortlisted for the Kevin Van Rooy Award for Genre Fiction, through the Manitoba Book Awards.

Lorina Stephens’ historical fantasy novel, Shadow Song, is now available in audiobook.

Lorina Stephens’ spec-fic novel, Caliban, is now available in print and eBook.

Michael Skeet’s novel, A Poisoned Prayer is now available in audiobook.

Ann Marston’s Western King is now available in audiobook.

Aaron Kite’s A Touch of Poison is now available in audiobook.

D.G. Laderoute’s 2014 Prix Aurora shortlisted Out of Time, is now available in audiobook.

SF Canada congratulates Five Rivers Publishing on its recent tenth anniversary and its ongoing contributions to Canadian speculative fiction.

Douglas Smith Rights & Reprints Workshop

SF Canada member Douglas Smith will be offering an online workshop via Cat Rambo’s “Rambo Academy” on selling reprints and other ways to leverage your short fiction. The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, July 21 and registration information is available here.

What do you do with a story after it’s been published? In this workshop, multi-award-winning Canadian writer Douglas Smith, whose work has been published in twenty-six languages and thirty-two countries, discusses story rights and licensing, including language, geography, media (print, electronic, audio), and occurrence rights (first rights and reprints), and how to sell reprints to markets you may be overlooking, including audio and international foreign language markets. The author of Playing the Short Game: How to Market & Sell Short Fiction, Smith will give you the vocabulary and knowledge you need to make more from your short fiction.

In other news, Douglas’ shapeshifter story “Out of the Light” will be reprinted in the upcoming antho “Crazy Town” from Rogue Blades Entertainment.

Ron Friedman novel in Storybundle

SF Canada member Ron Friedman’s novel Typhoon Time is currently available in the 2018 Military SF Bundle from Storybundle.

The bundle of twelve novels is curated by bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson and offers “books from the high-tech battlefields right here on our home planet to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.”

Storybundle allows the consumer to set their own price for bundles, and to support charities and independent authors. The 2018 Military SF Bundle offer ends on July 19, 2018.