New book in Krista Wallace’s Gatekeeper fantasy series!

The second book in SF Canada member Krista Wallace’s Gatekeeper fantasy series, Gatekeeper’s Deception I – Deceiver, is being published this week!

An uncanny escape, a gift from a dead warrior, a shocking message for Kyer’s ears only, all sow suspicions …

Gatekeeper’s Deception I – Deceiver is available at — and be sure to watch for the 3rd book to be released in June!

Find out more about Krista at her website and her podcast.

Cinq visions dangereuses de l’auteure de SF Michèle Laframboise.

SF Canada member Michèle Laframboise’s latest publication is 5 Histoires de SF dystopique, five dystopian stories reprinted from French science fiction magazines.

Cinq futurs à fuir avant qu’ils nous rattrapent!  Qu’arrivera-t-il quand les IA écriront mieux, et plus vite, que les écrivains? Quand Montréal gèle sous la glace et les coupures de budget, la solidarité résistera-t-elle? Voyez des humains doués de vie éternelle vivre de cruels rappels de leur mortalité. Une femme-termite dont la vie n’a plus de valeur veut vivre ses dernières vacances. Et que peuvent espérer des adolescents coincés dans un vaisseau-génération qui se déglingue au fil des années-lumière?

You can find 5 Histoires de SF dystopique here and you can find more of Michèle’s work at

Short Fiction from Dale Sproule!

“Nunavut Thunderfuck” by SFC member Dale L. Sproule is being reprinted in That is SO Wrong, the first book in a new anthology series edited by Scottish-Australian writer, Jan-Andrew Henderson. Coming May 15th from Black Hart Publishing.

In addition, Dale’s story, “Behind the Blue Door,” is scheduled for a subsequent book in the That is…Wrong series.

Be sure to preorder That is SO Wrong today! 

Dweller on the Threshold by Skyla Dawn Cameron now released!

SF Canada member Skyla Dawn Cameron’s new novel, Dweller on the Threshold, is a little bit creepy, a little bit funny, and is now available.

Amidst the 2020 pandemic, Norah Sloane has been sheltering in place with her ex-boyfriend—the equivalent of three toddlers in a trench coat pretending to be an adult—who abruptly informs her he thinks she needs to move out. Coincidentally, her estranged father has just died and left his family’s home to her, and in a fit of defiant frustration, she packs her bags, her cats, and all the toilet paper, and drives five hours north to the tiny village of Hope Falls to claim her inheritance.

Selling the big, partially renovated old house during a global pandemic is out of the question, but the bills are paid for a few months to give her time to get on her feet. It’s the best solution, all things considered.

So what if it’s haunted?

Find Dweller on the Threshold here and Skyla’s website here!

New Publications from Robert Runté!

SF Canada member Robert Runté has been busy lately!
His short story, “Deep Dive” has been released in audio on the Bandit Fiction Podcast #10, read by Tony Reading. It starts at 21.12 minutes into the podcast.
He is also the featured author interview on this episode; the interview starts at 33:42. The Interview is by host Daniel Hubbard.
Listen to both at  episode #10 or Bandit Fiction Podcast wherever you get your podcasts.
(Deep Dive was originally published online by Ariel Chart in July 9, 2020 and reprinted by Bandit Fiction online Dec 13, 2021 and now podcast March 29, 2022.)
Robert Runté also has a flash story, “The Road”  published in Siren’s Call #57 (page 192) and a drabble (a drabble is a story that is exactly 100 words + title), “The Perfect Storm”, coming out in issue #16 of Fairfield Scribes Micro Fiction April 15, 2022 at

Congratulations, Robert!

In Memoriam: Heather Spears (September 29, 1934 – April 15, 2021)

Marion Heather Spears, Canadian writer and artist and long-time SF Canada member, passed away last year in Copenhagen, Denmark.

She was educated at the University of British Columbia, The Vancouver School of Art and the University of Copenhagen, and lived in Denmark and Canada since 1962. An award-winning poet, she published 15 collections of poetry and 5 novels, illustrated numerous books and articles and drew at literary festivals and other live drawing venues. Hundreds of her drawings are collected at the Welcome Trust, London, and the Merrill Collection, Toronto. The Heather Spears archive is housed at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

As well as being a long-time member of SF Canada, Heather Spears was a member of PEN, The League of Canadian Poets, The Writers’ Union of Canada, The Society of Authors, and Tegnerforbundet af 1919 (Danish drawing association). SFC member Candas Jane Dorsey and others recall Heather fondly at League of Canadian Poets.

Heather’s daughter has reframed  as a memorial, combining it with Heather’s blog and putting up an overview of her life and accomplishments.

As her obituary quotes:  “No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.” – Terry Pratchett

She will be missed.