SF Canada member Lisa Timpf recently served as guest editor for the Sports and Games issue of Eye to the Telescope.
Eye to the Telescope, a quarterly online journal, began publishing science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other speculative poetry in 2011, under the auspices of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association.
Issue 32 leads off with SF Canada member’s Colleen Anderson’s “The Briar Witch”.
Lisa Timpf obtained a Bachelor of Physical Education degree from McMaster University, and subsequently attended Dalhousie University where she studied Sport History at the Master’s level, never quite managing to complete her thesis. Though knee problems have slowed her down, in her younger years, Lisa played a number of sports including hockey, field hockey, softball, volleyball, and ball hockey, to name a few. Lisa also enjoys games of strategy, like chess and Settlers of Catan. Just after she retired in 2014, List started writing speculative poetry and fiction. The opportunity to serve as editor of the “Sports and Games” issue of Eye to the Telescope allowed her to explore the intersection of two interests: sports and speculative poetry. Lisa’s own writing has appeared in a number of venues, including Star*Line, Neo-opsis, Liquid Imagination, New Myths, and Scifaikuest.
Colleen Anderson has been twice nominated for the Aurora Award in poetry. She has co-edited Tesseracts 17 and Playground of Lost Toys, which was nominated for a 2016 Aurora Award. Alice Unbound: Beyond Wonderland is her first solo anthology (Exile Editions, April 2018). Over 150 of her poems have seen print in such venues as Grievous Angel, Polu Texni, The Future Fire, Polar Borealis and many others. Her fiction collection, A Body of Work was published by Black Shuck Books, UK last fall, and her poetry chapbook Ancient Tales, Grand Deaths and Past Lives is available through Kelp Queen Press.