SF Canada member Dale L. Sproule was recently interviewed by Akhil Chawla, host of The Majestic Mutt. This podcast explores the brave new world of multiple careers and side hustles in the post 9-5 era.
In the interview below, Dale talks to Akhil about writing as a career, his latest novel The Human Template, as well as The Carnivorous Forest and other fiction projects.
Dale L. Sproule is a writer who has published over 50 short stories in a wide range of media. In the late 90’s he co-published/edited a magazine called TransVersions – Literature of the Fantastic. The magazine sought out work that came at the genre sideways and published work by a wide range of amazing voices. He has been privileged to interview some amazing writers and has published dozens of non-fiction articles for venues ranging from SF Signal to Books in Canada, from AE Science Fiction to Rue Morgue. Learn more about Dale and his work at dalelsproule.com.