Issue 2 of Polar Starlight Available for Download

The new issue of Polar Starlight, edited by SF Canada member Rhea E. Rose and published by R. Graeme Cameron is now available.

Discover poetry from SF Canada member Neile Graham as well as 15 other Canadian writers.

Download Issue 2 for free. Both Polar Starlight and Polar Borealis are currently closed to poetry and fiction submissions, but are open for cover art.

Visit to view back issues and to learn more about submitting.

Issue 18 of Polar Borealis Available for Download

The latest issue of Polar Borealis, edited by SF Canada member R. Graeme Cameron, has just been published.

Discover fiction from SF Canada members Geoff Hart and Robert Dawson as well as poetry from Lisa Timpf and Melanie Marttila.

Both Polar Borealis and Polar Starlight are currently closed to poetry and fiction submissions, but are open for cover art. Check the website for more details on what Polar Borealis typically publishes.

Download Issue 18 for free. Visit to view back issues and find more information about this paying market.

Issue 1 of Polar Starlight Available for Download

The first issue of Polar Starlight, a new magazine devoted to Canadian speculative poetry, is now published and available to download.

Polar Starlight is edited by SF Canada member Rhea E. Rose and published by R. Graeme Cameron.

Discover poetry from fellow members Bernadette Gabay Dyer and Neile Graham along with many other Canadian voices.

Download Issue 1 for free. Visit for more information about Polar Starlight and the original Polar Borealis.

Issue 17 of Polar Borealis Available for Download

The latest issue of Polar Borealis, edited by SF Canada member R. Graeme Cameron, has just been published.

Discover poetry from SF Canada members Jean-Louis Trudel, Lisa Timpf, and Melanie Marttila along with fiction from Paula Johanson.

Both Polar Borealis and the new Polar Starlight are open to poetry and fiction submissions until February 28, 2021. The latter is a new Canadian poetry magazine edited by Rhea E. Rose.

Download Issue 17 for free. Visit to view back issues and find more information about this paying market.

Hacker Chess & Other Stories by Robert Runté

SF Canada member Robert Runté has been busy in recent months with several stories (new and reprinted) out in the world now.

Most recently, “Ransom and the Christmas Tree,” appeared on Abyss and Apex magazine’s website in December, just in time for the holidays.

“Ransom hesitated, because surely this wasteland wasn’t where one came to cut Christmas trees. Whole sections were just naked sticks, and even the few scattered pines that were struggling to hang on were more grey than green. The blight was so blatant, one didn’t need fae senses to see that the whole hillside was a scarred ruin.” 

The Missing Elephant,” originally published in the anthology, They Have to Let You In, was republished by Coastal Shelf magazine in their inaugural November 2020 issue.

Hacker Chess,” came out in Centropic Oracle on November 20, 2020 as an audio production read by Larissa Thompson. This story originally appeared in the anthology The Playground of Lost Toys, edited by fellow SF Canada member Ursula Pflug and Colleen Anderson in 2015. “Hacker Chess,” was also reprinted in Exile Literary Quarterly 39(3) in 2016.

And “Detour on the Eightfold Path” appeared in NeoOpsis #31, also in November 2020. This story is the fourth to feature Robert’s characters Fami and Julia.

Dr. Robert Runté is Senior Editor with, a retired professor (University of Lethbridge), and former Senior Editor for Five Rivers Publishing. As an academic, editor, reviewer, and organizer, Robert has been actively promoting Canadian SF for over forty years. He was a founding Director of NonCon, Context89, and SF Canada; and has served on the Boards of the Edmonton Science Fiction and Comic Arts Society, On Spec Magazine, Tesseract Books, and The Writers Guild of Alberta. In addition to dozens of conference papers, journal articles, book chapters, and a half dozen entries in the Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada , Robert has edited over 150 issues of various SF newsletters.

Externalities by Geoff Hart

SF Canada member Geoff Hart has a new story in the November issue of After Dinner Conversation.

“Externalities” is about a travelling wise man who gives each customer the service they need while teaching his apprentice a valuable lesson about externality. After Dinner Conversation is a digital philosophy and ethics magazine designed to start in-depth intellectual discussions.

After Dinner Conversation believes humanity is improved by ethics and morals grounded in philosophical truth. Philosophical truth is discovered through intentional reflection and respectful debate.  In order to facilitate that process, we have created a growing series of short stories, magazine, and podcast discussions, across genres, as accessible examples of abstract ethical and philosophical ideas intended to draw out deeper discussions with students, friends, and family.

Geoff Hart has been working as a technical communicator (an editor, translator, and writer) since 1987. He mentors others and travels to give talks and workshops about his work. Geoff has also been writing fiction (mostly “literary” science fiction and fantasy) sporadically for most of his adult life.

Learn more about Geoff at

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